How to take care of bleached natural hair

Although bleached natural hair can change your appearance and provide you a chance to create bright, colorful looks, there are disadvantages to this technique as well. In simple terms, bleaching your hair removes its natural pigments, leaving it more prone to breakage, dryness, and other damage. This is particularly true for natural hair, as it is typically thinner and more fragile than other hair types. For this reason, preserving the health and beauty of bleached natural hair requires knowledge of how to properly care for it.

It takes more than just using ordinary hair products to take care of bleached natural hair. A specific hair care routine is necessary because the bleaching process can weaken the hair’s structure and upset its natural moisture balance. The goals of this routine should be to replenish moisture, shield the hair from more harm, and maintain its maximum strength and health. Every stage of your hair care routine, from selecting the best shampoo to adding deep-conditioning treatments, can have a big impact on the quality and look of your bleached hair.

We’ll look into the best ways to take care of natural hair that has been bleached in this article. Everything from choosing nourishing hair masks and sulfate-free shampoos to comprehending the significance of humectants and emollients will be covered. We’ll also go over the advantages of wearing satin or silk pillows, how to reduce heat damage, and the proper technique for detangling hair to prevent needless breakage. We’ll also look at how antioxidants might shield your hair from UV rays. You may maintain the vivid, healthy, and lovely appearance of your bleached natural hair by following to these suggestions.

bleached natural hair

How To Take Care Of Bleached Natural Hair Naturally?

Here are Some basic methods that you can use in your home to take care of Bleached Natural Hair.

1. Use a Sulfate-Free Shampoo

Many shampoos contain sulfates, which are harsh detergents that can strip your hair of its natural oils and cause damage and dryness. Using a sulfate-free shampoo that gently cleanses without further drying out your strands is essential for bleached hair. These shampoos assist in preserving the delicate and controllable natural moisture balance of your hair.

2. Swap for a Hair Mask

For bleached hair, regular conditioners might not offer enough hydration. Rather than using ordinary conditioner, use a deep-conditioning hair mask instead. Hair masks are brimming with healthy components that work their way deep into your hair shaft to repair damage and restore hydration. To maintain your hair hydrated and in good condition, apply a hair mask once or twice a week.

3. Humectants & Emollients

Emollients, such oils and butters, seal in the moisture that humectants, like glycerin and honey, draw into your hair from the surrounding area. To keep the hydration in your bleached hair intact, look for products that include these elements. Long-lasting moisture and protection can be achieved by using a leave-in conditioner enriched with humectants and emollients.

4. Minimize Heat

Blow dryers, flat irons, and curling wands are examples of heat styling products that can severely harm bleached hair. Reduce how often you utilize these tools whenever you can. If you must use them, protect your hair from extreme heat by using a heat protectant spray first. To preserve the health of your hair strands, choose to air dry or use heat-free style techniques.

5. Remove Excess Water

It’s crucial to carefully dry out extra water from your hair after washing it. Blot your hair with a soft t-shirt or a microfiber towel rather than rubbing it with a towel, which can lead to breakage and friction. This technique helps preserve the natural texture of your hair while lowering the chance of damage.

6. Satin or Silk

Using a cotton pillowcase while sleeping might result in breakage and frizz. To protect your hair while you sleep, switch to a satin or silk pillowcase. These substances lessen friction, maintaining the smoothness and detangle of your hair. An additional layer of protection can be obtained by wrapping your hair in a silk or satin scarf before going to bed.

7. Detangling with Care

Hair that has been bleached is brittle and prone to tangling. Take care when detangling your hair to prevent breakage. Work through any knots gently with your fingers or a wide-tooth comb, working your way up to the roots from the ends. A leave-in conditioner or detangling spray might help to simplify and minimize damage during this process.

8. Antioxidants Fight UV Damage

Hair that has been bleached is more vulnerable to UV exposure, which can result in dryness and color fading. Use products that include antioxidants, such vitamin E and green tea extract, to protect your hair. These components support preventing UV damage and maintaining the vibrancy of your hair. Additional protection from the sun can also be obtained by applying a UV-protectant spray or donning a helmet.


Although bleached natural hair requires more care and attention, the benefits are well worth it. You can maintain the health, hydration, and beauty of your hair by using these suggestions. Don’t forget to minimize heat, apply mild, hydrating treatments, and shield your hair from the elements. Your bleached hair can still look amazing as part of your ensemble if you take the proper care of it.

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