Effective Ways to prevent hair fall in Winters

While the cold mornings and warm evenings of winter are delightful, many experience an increase in hair fall in winters. Dry air and cold temperatures can cause severe damage to your hair, including breakable hairs and excessive shedding. In this in-depth guide, we’ll explore the causes of increased hair fall in winters and reveal practical tips for maintaining the health and life of your hairs.

2. Why Does Hair Fall Increase During Winters?

To combat winter hair fall, it is essential to understand the underlying causes. Dehydration from the drop in temperature and humidity increases the likelihood of hair breakage. Furthermore, weakened hair follicles from decreased blood flow to the scalp in cold weather can result in increased shedding.

Here are some reasons why this might happen:

  • Dry Air: The air is typically drier in the winter, both indoors and outdoors. Due to scalp dehydration brought on by this dryness, hair is more likely to break and fall out. The hair shaft may become more fragile and vulnerable to damage if there is a deficiency of moisture in the atmosphere.
  • Hot Showers: Many people are tempted to take hot showers in the winter, but this can strip natural oils from the hair and scalp. The hair may become dry and more brittle as a result. During the winter, it’s best to wash your hair with lukewarm water to prevent over dryness.

3. Main Ways of Hair Fall in Winters

There are a number of ways for hair fall in winters, and knowing the main ones will help you treat and prevent it. The following are some typical causes of hair fall in winters

  • Dry Scalp:
  • Cause: Cold and dry air during winter can lead to a dry scalp. When the scalp loses moisture, it becomes prone to flakiness and irritation.
  • Effect on Hair: A dry scalp can weaken hair follicles, leading to increased hair shedding and breakage.
  • Lack of Moisture:
  • Cause: Indoor heating systems and hot showers, common during winter, can strip the hair of its natural oils, making it dry and more prone to breakage.
  • Effect on Hair: Dry and brittle hair is more susceptible to damage and may fall out more easily.
  • Nutrient Deficiency:
  • Cause: Winter diets may lack essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, that are crucial for maintaining healthy hair.
  • Effect on Hair: Nutrient deficiencies can weaken hair structure and impede the growth cycle, leading to increased hair loss.
  • Reduced Blood Circulation:
  • Cause: Cold weather can constrict blood vessels, reducing blood circulation to the scalp.
  • Effect on Hair: Inadequate blood flow can deprive hair follicles of nutrients and oxygen, weakening them and causing hair to fall out.
  • Seasonal Shedding:
  • Cause: Seasonal shedding is a natural phenomenon where hair growth cycles synchronize, leading to increased hair fall during specific seasons, including winter.
  • Effect on Hair: This shedding is usually temporary, and new hair should replace the lost ones in the following months.
  • Hormonal Changes:
  • Cause: Changes in daylight and temperature during winter can affect hormone levels in the body.
  • Effect on Hair: Hormonal imbalances may influence the hair growth cycle, leading to increased hair loss.

4. Tips to Control Your Hair Fall in winter

1. Stay Away From Hot Showers

For the health of your hair, it is best to avoid taking hot showers during the winter. Even though a hot shower might be alluring during the winter, it can be bad for your hair. The natural oils in the scalp and hair are removed by hot water, leaving them dry and more brittle. In addition to weakening the hair shaft, too much heat can also cause increased fragility and possible damage. To preserve the condition of your hair.

2. Oil Your Hair Twice a Week

Introducing a regular oiling routine is a good way to combat the dryness and possible damage that winter can cause to your hair. During this season, it’s advised to oil your hair twice a week. By hydrating the scalp and hair strands with oil, one can counteract the drying effects of indoor heating systems and cold weather. By forming a barrier of defense, the oil lowers the chance of breakage and improves the general health of the hair.

3. Choose Nourishing Hair Products

Choosing nourishing hair products becomes essential in the winter to keep your hair healthy and vibrant. Intense heat and harsh weather can deplete your hair’s natural moisture content, leaving it more vulnerable to damage and dryness. Use hair care products that are specifically made to offer plenty of nourishment to offset these effects. Select a moisturizing shampoo that adds moisture to your hair without removing important oils. Seek for moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin, shea butter, or argan oil.

4. Avoid Heat Styling

As part of your hair care regimen, it’s best to minimize or stay away from heat styling during the winter. Overuse of styling appliances like blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons can intensify the dryness brought on by indoor heating systems and cold weather. These tools’ high temperatures deplete the hair’s natural moisture, making it more brittle, dry, and vulnerable to damage.

5. Don’t Go Outdoors With Wet Hair

As part of your hair care regimen, it’s best to minimize or stay away from heat styling during the winter. Overuse of styling appliances like blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons can intensify the dryness brought on by indoor heating systems and cold weather. These tools’ high temperatures deplete the hair’s natural moisture, making it more brittle, dry, and at risk for damage.

6. Keep Your Hair Hydrated

It’s critical to keep your hair properly hydrated, especially in the winter when environmental factors may increase dryness. Your hair can become duller and more prone to breakage when it loses its natural moisture due to indoor heating systems, cold weather, and hot showers. Include a hydrating routine in your hair care routine to counteract this. Employ shampoo and conditioner with moisturizing properties to help you regain and hold onto moisture.

To add even more moisture, think about doing hair masks or deep conditioning treatments once a week. Another way to keep moisture in your hair is to regularly oil it with nourishing oils like coconut or argan oil. As they support overall hair health, drinking enough water and eating a balanced diet high in vitamins and minerals are equally important.

7. Don’t Over Wash

Avoiding over-washing your hair is a crucial part of winter hair care. Even though hygiene is important, too much washing can deplete the natural oils in the scalp and hair, which can cause dryness and even damage, especially during the winter. The air is already drier in the winter, and washing frequently can make it even drier.

Putting up a washing schedule that fits your hair type and lifestyle is advised. It’s sufficient for many people to wash their hair two or three times a week. But for those with drier hair, washing even less often might help keep essential oils in the hair.

8. Include Hydrating Fruits and Vegetables in Your Diet

A balanced diet is essential for maintaining healthy hair. Include foods high in water, such as lettuce, spinach, and kale. These foods are high in water content and full of nutrients. These greens are a great source of iron, vitamins A and C, and other antioxidants that are important for maintaining healthy hair and warding off dryness.

In addition to being delicious, berries like blueberries and strawberries are also a great source of antioxidants, which support strong hair and a healthy scalp. Avocados are a fantastic addition to your diet because of their high vitamin E content and healthy fats, which help to hydrate your body from the inside out.


A comprehensive strategy that takes into account both internal and external factors is needed to combat hair fall in winters. You can take care of your hair and maintain its resilience and vibrancy throughout the coldest months by using these tips.

How can I prevent excessive hair fall in winters?

Maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding excessive heat styling, and incorporating hydrating routines can help minimize hair fall in winters

How often should I wash my hair in winter?

It’s generally recommended to wash your hair 2-3 times a week to avoid over-stripping natural oils that protect against dryness.

Are there specific ingredients to look for in winter hair products?

Opt for products containing moisturizing ingredients like argan oil, shea butter, and glycerin to combat winter dryness.

Are there specific hairstyles that protect hair fall in winters?

Styles like braids, buns, or natural waves can minimize exposure to the elements and reduce the risk of winter-related hair damage.

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